
GC: n

S: WHO – https://bit.ly/2Qa2fmE (last access: 21 November 2018); NCBI – https://bit.ly/2OVnMLa (last access: 21 November 2018).

N: 1. “rapid heartbeat,” 1868, Modern Latin, coined 1867 by German-born physician Hermann Lebert (1813-1878) from tachy- “swift” + Latinized form of Greek kardia “heart,” from PIE root *kerd- “heart.”
2. Tachycardia, a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute.
3. Tachycardia occurs normally during and after exercise or during emotional stress and represents no danger to healthy individuals. In some cases, however, tachycardia occurs without apparent cause or as a complication of a myocardial infarction (heart attack) or heart disease and is an arrhythmia—i.e., a pathological deviation from the normal heartbeat rhythm. Most arrhythmias are caused by irregularities in the electrical stimuli that cause the heart to beat. Normally these pacemaking stimuli originate in the sinoatrial node. The chief symptoms of tachycardia are fatigue, faintness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and a sensation of thumping or palpitation in the chest.
4. Tachycardia can be terminated by administering an electrical shock to the heart to restore regular heart rhythm or by the administration of such antiarrhythmic drugs as lidocaine, procainamide, or quinidine.
5. Arrhythmias are generally divided into two categories: ventricular and supraventricular. Ventricular arrhythmias occur in the lower chambers of the heart, called the ventricles. Supraventricular arrhythmias occur in the area above the ventricles, usually in the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria. The irregular beats can either be too slow (bradycardia) or too fast (tachycardia).

S: 1. OED – https://bit.ly/2DR2XiG (last access: 21 November 2018). 2 to 4. EncBrit – https://bit.ly/2PNpVhi (last access: 22 November 2018). 5. THI – https://bit.ly/2OTuelT (last access: 21 November 2018).


CR: anemia, medicine.