Bifidobacterium bifidum

GC: n

S: (last access: 23 May 2015); (last access: 23 May 2015).

N: Bifidobacterium Bifidum. While bacteria can cause serious infections, the vast majority of them are not only helpful, but necessary for good health. As long as the good bacteria in our bodies win the war of numbers against those which are harmful, both our immune systems and digestive tracts will benefit.
Among the most ferocious warriors in this army of advantageous microbes is a type of probiotic called bifidobacterium bifidum, which inhabits the colon and vagina. Its job is to maintain the micro flora balance within the intestines, control the increase of detrimental bacteria, bolster the immune system, and aid in the digestive process. Research is currently ongoing to clarify the role of bifidobacterium bifidum in treating certain health conditions and the best way to increase the production of helpful colonies of this probiotic within the human body.
Several of these studies center on infant nutrition and the role that bifidobacterium bifidum can play in increasing the immune response of premature or weakened digestive systems in the tiniest among us. A study done concerning the effects of bifidobacterium bifidus on neonatal necrotizing entercolitis (NEC), one of the chief causes of death in premature babies, showed some promising results. The study was done on a premature rat population, who were placed under conditions which caused the development of NEC. In this controlled study, bifidobacterium bifidus caused a reduction in NEC occurrence from fifty-seven percent in the control group to seventeen percent in the study group. This suggests that bifidobacterium bifidus, which is prevalent in breast milk, might reduce inflammation and regulate the mucus layer to improve digestion in infants.

S: (last access: 23 May 2015)


CR: bacterium, diarrhea.