
GC: n

S: WHO – (last access: 9 June 2024); NIH – (last access: 9 June 2024).

N: 1. vaccine (n.): “matter used in vaccination,” 1846, from French vaccin, noun use of adjective, from Latin vaccina, fem. of vaccinus “pertaining to a cow” (see vaccination). Related: Vaccinal; vaccinic.

2. Vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that is administered primarily to prevent disease.
A vaccine can confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to attack the agent. Once stimulated by a vaccine, the antibody-producing cells, called B lymphocytes, remain sensitized and ready to respond to the agent should it ever gain entry to the body. A vaccine may also confer passive immunity by providing antibodies or lymphocytes already made by an animal or human donor. Vaccines are usually administered by injection (parenteral administration).

3. Collocations:

  • Adj.: effective, safe | measles, rubella, etc. The polio vaccine has saved millions of lives. | live.
  • Quant.: dose one dose of BCG vaccine.
  • Verb + vaccine: give sb | have, receive | develop.
  • Vaccine + verb: protect sb | prevent sth.
  • Prep.: ~ against Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against the disease. | ~ for a vaccine for meningitis.

S : 1. Etymonline – (last access: 4 September 2014). 2. EncBrit – (last access: 11 June 2015). 3. OD – (last access: 11 June 2015).


CR: bacterium, herd immunity, immunity, MMR vaccine, rabies, smallpox, smallpox vaccine, triple vaccine, vaccination, vaccination campaign, vaccination schedule, varicella vaccine, virus.