reinforced concrete

GC: n

S: UltraTechcem – (last access: 8 December 2024); SDir – (last access: 13 December 2024).

N: 1. – reinforced (adj): Adjective use (participle adjective), from the past participle of the verb “reinforce”, also “re-enforce”, “add new force, strength, or weight to,” c. 1600, originally in military sense, from re- “again” + inforce, variant of enforce “drive by physical force; fortify, strengthen” (compare re-enforce, and see en- (1)). Related: Reinforcedreinforcing.

  • given added strength or support;
  • (used of soaps or cleaning agents) having a substance (an abrasive or filler) added to increase effectiveness.

– concrete (n): 1520s, “that which is material or not abstract,” a noun use of concrete (adj.). Meaning “a mass formed by concretion” is from 1650s, from the literal sense of Latin concretus. Hence “building material made from sand, gravel, stone chips, etc., cemented together” (1834).

2. reinforced concrete (building material), concrete in which steel is embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces.

3. The reinforcing steel—rods, bars, or mesh—absorbs the tensile, shear, and sometimes the compressive stresses in a concrete structure. Plain concrete does not easily withstand tensile and shear stresses caused by wind, earthquakes, vibrations, and other forces and is therefore unsuitable in most structural applications. In reinforced concrete, the tensile strength of steel and the compressive strength of concrete work together to allow the member to sustain these stresses over considerable spans. The invention of reinforced concrete in the 19th century revolutionized the construction industry, and concrete became one of the world’s most common building materials.

4. What is reinforced concrete?

It is structural concrete reinforced with no less than the minimum amount of prestressing tendons or nonprestressed reinforcement as specified by codes such as ACI 318. Reinforcement is bars, wires, strands, or other slender members that are embedded in concrete in such a manner that they and concrete act together to resist forces. Strand is a prestressing tendon composed of a number of wires twisted around the center wire or core.

5. Types of Concrete: reinforced concrete, ferro-concrete (obsolete), ferroconcrete (obsolete), hooped concrete (obsolete), steel concrete.

  • Concrete that has been hardened onto imbedded metal, usually steel …
  • In reinforced concrete, the tensile strength of steel, supplementing the compressional strength of the concrete, provides a member capable of sustaining heavy stresses of all kinds over considerable spans.

S: 1. Etymonline  –; (last access: 13 December 2024); Vocab – (last access: 13 December 2024); FCB. 2 & 3. EncBrit – (last access: 8 December 2024). 4. ACI – (last access: 8 December 2024). 5. TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 13 December 2024).


CR: artificial asphaltbitumen, concrete.