GC: n
S: CFI – https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/commercial-lending/loan/ (last access: 27 November 2024); Investop – https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/loan.asp (last access: 27 November 2024).
N: 1. late 12c., “that which is lent or owning, a thing furnished on promise of future return,” also “a gift or reward from a superior, a gift of God,” from Old Norse lan “loan,” from Proto-Germanic *laikhwniz (source also of Old Frisian len “thing lent,” Middle Dutch lene, Dutch leen “loan, fief,” Old High German lehan, German Lehn “fief, feudal tenure”), originally “to let have, to leave (to someone),” from PIE *loikw-nes-, suffixed form of root *leikw- “to leave.”
The Norse word also is cognate with Old English læn “gift,” which according to OED did not survive into Middle English, but its derived verb lænan is the source of lend (v.). From early 15c. as “a contribution to public finances” (ostensibly voluntary but often coerced; sometimes repaid, sometimes not). As a verb, loan is attested from 1540s, perhaps earlier, and formerly was current, but it has now been supplanted in England by lend, though it survives in American English. Slang loan shark first attested 1900 (see shark (n.)).
2. loan.
- 1a: money lent at interest (took out a loan to pay for the new car). 1b: something lent usually for the borrower’s temporary use.
- 2a: the grant of temporary use (Can I have the loan of your car?). 2b: the temporary duty of a person transferred to another job for a limited time (He had been on loan to the navy during the war).
- 3: loanword (The word “nosh” is a loan from Yiddish).
3. Financial Institutions; Loans; Foreign Trade: loan.
- A sum of money given by one person to another with the expectation that the lender will be repaid, usually with interest.
- conventional loan, loan amount required, to grant a loan.
- Phraseology: recycle a loan.
- French equivalent: prêt.
4. Loans: loan, borrowing.
- A borrower is someone who borrows money from another person or business for a period of time. He receives a loan. He may have to pay interest on the money he has borrowed.
- French equivalent: emprunt.
5. Loans; Foreign Trade; Government Accounting: loan.
- A sum of money given by one person to another with the expectation that the lender will be repaid, usually with interest.
- French equivalent: emprunt.
Government Accounting: loan.
- A financial claim acquired by making payments to outside entities. Loans are repayable with interest according to a predetermined agreed repayment schedule, and are usually of a long-term nature.
- loan: Officially approved by the Study Group on Accounting Terminology (SGAT).
- French equivalent: prêt.
6. Collocations: loan (noun).
- ADJ. large, massive | long-term, short-term | interest-free, low-interest | secured, unsecured As it was an unsecured loan, their property was not at risk. | outstanding They used the inheritance to pay off their outstanding loan. | personal | bank | bridging, temporary.
- VERB + LOAN apply for, ask for, request | arrange, get, raise, take out She had to take out a bridging loan until she could sell her house. | give sb, grant sb, make sb My bank manager offered to make me a loan. | receive | pay off, repay | secure, underwrite.
- LOAN + VERB average sth, total sth loans totalling a million pounds.
- LOAN + NOUN application | agreement, arrangement, deal | charges, interest, rate | repayment They were struggling to meet their monthly loan repayments. | commitments | facility, service The bank provides personal loan facilities at competitive rates. | period The book must be returned by the end of the loan period. | shark He ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks.
- PREP. on ~ (from) The paintings are on loan from the Wallace Collection. | ~ from a loan from my brother.
- PHRASES give sb/have the loan of sth He’s given us the loan of his car for the weekend. | security against/for a loan He had to use his house as security for the loan. > Special page at BUSINESS.
S: 1. Etymonline – https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=loan (last access: 27 November 2024). 2. MW – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/loan (last access: 27 November 2024). 3 to 5. TERMIUM PLUS – https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng&i=1&srchtxt=loan&index=alt&codom2nd_wet=1#resultrecs (last access: 27 November 2024). 6. OCD – https://www.freecollocation.com/search?word=loan (last access: 27 November 2024).