emergency aid

GC: n

S: http://foreignminister.gov.au/releases/2012/bc_mr_120708.html (last access: 25 February 2013); http://www.unrefugees.org.au/ (last access: 3 September 2014).

N: 1. Emergency aid refers to help given to populations affected by unpredictable natural disasters or human conflicts. It is often very difficult to calculate the cost-effectiveness of disaster relief because many charities do not provide information about their achievements, it is difficult to do rigorous assessment in a disaster setting, and there is so much variation between each disaster. However, we do not believe that emergency aid charities are typically among the most cost-effective.
2. The immediate survival assistance to the victims of crisis and violent conflict. Most relief operations are initiated on short notice and have a short implementation period (project objectives are generally completed within a year). The main purpose of emergency relief is to save lives. (UNHCR).

S: 1. https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/research/charities-area/emergency-aid (last access: 29 July 2015). 2. http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4F99A3C28EC37D0EC12574A4002E89B4-reliefweb_aug2008.pdf (last access: 18 October 2015).

SYN: emergency relief, emergency assistance.

S: IATE – http://iate.europa.eu/SearchByQuery.do?method=searchDetail&lilId=874916&langId=&query=emergency%20relief&sourceLanguage=en&domain=0&matching=&start=0&next=1&targetLanguages=es&targetLanguages=fr (last access: 18 October 2015)

CR: damage assessment, emergence, emergency department, humanitarian aid, medical emergency.