
GC: n

S: GNF – (last access:18 December 2023); MAYO – (last access:18 December 2023)

N: 1. 1958, from Modern Latin amnion + centesis “surgical puncture involving a puncture”, from latinized form of Greek kentesis “a pricking”, from kentein “to prick”.

2. Aspiration of amniotic fluid from the amniotic cavity. Is the most common invasive fetal testing procedure. It is usually performed to diagnose or exclude fetal aneuploidy or other fetal genetic, biochemical or infectious risks.

3. Amniocentesis is offered to women between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy who are at greater risk for birth defects. It may also be done to follow-up when an earlier test suggests a problem. Other conditions can lead to offer this procedure: family history or child with a genetic disease or metabolic disorder, risk of open neural tube defects or risk of a sex-linked genetic disease.

4. This procedure may be done in late pregnancy to check fetal well-being and diagnose fetal health problems, such as infection. If a baby is expected to be delivered early, amniocentesis may be done to check for fetal lung maturity.

5. Cultural Interrelation: We can mention Prenatal Diagnosis (2013) by Lenore Abramsky.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access:18 December 2023). 2. NIH –  (last access:18 December 2023). 3 & 4. STANCHILD – (last access:18 December 2023). 5. Amazon – (last access: 22 December 2023)



CRdisease, Down syndrome, fetus, pregnancy.